Day Five, July 23, 1998
RAGBRAI and RAGBRAI XXVI are registered trademarks of, and licensed by the Des Moines Register and Tribune Company and are used with permission. All rights reserved.
Taking advantage of the good weather and our shortest riding day (46 miles), many riders stopped for quite a while in each of the towns along the way. This is a shot of the beer garden in Dike, Iowa from a second-story fire escape. Can you find the group of "Streakers" in the picture? (Hint, I told them all to smile but someone blinked!)
Here they are - most in the "rose" team T-shirt of the day. Left to right Cheryl, Keith, Dino (background with rose head bandana), Dianna (foreground), Tom (white shirt & bald head), Maria (black tank top), Brian, (black bandana), Jenny (gray tank top) and Kevin (red badana).
Another tradition among many RAGBRAI teams is the placement of team "stickers" in the most unusual (outrageous?) places. Forth, behind cow patties, road kill and the collars of Nuns' habits, was the "sweet spot" on my head, found first by Team Graffiti. Team Cobra tried to repeat the feat but couldn't find a non-fuzzy spot to which their sticker would adhere and finally compromised for the back of my shirt.
Day 4 (1 picture) < | > Day 6 (3 pictures)
FreeWheel '97 | FreeWheel '98 | Road to RAGBRAI | RAGBRAI XXVI | RAGBRAI XXVII