FreeWheel '97
The end of day three found us camped on the athletic field of the Maud, Oklahoma High School. Left to right, Team Roadhouse regulars, Dean Dotts, and Tom Baker are joined by Ad-Hoc members, Sue Ahrend of Tulsa, Barry Lee of Florida and regular Team Roadhouse member Eric Richardson. Note the use of my tent (background) as a clothes line. Packing a washer and drier for the trip proved impractical, so washing chores are handeled in conjunction with personal showers. When clothes lines or chain-link fences, etc. are not available, drying is accomplished as shown.
Day four's overnight was on a college campus in Chandler, Oklahoma. Owing to wet clothes, gear, weather and weather forecast, we opted to pitch our tents on a loading dock on the leeward side of one of the college buildings. Here, Eric (center) is beeing entertained by Dino's (left) endless conversation while he fixes his second flat of the ride and Barry (right) looks on.
Our lunch break on day six was in Glencoe, Oklahoma. Here, Dino and Eric relax in the shade after finishing lunch. DO NOT BE FOOLED by the close proximity of the "bagged" beverage to Eric. It really belongs to Dino! (Note Eric's beverage to his left.)
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visit the official FreeWheel web site at: '98 | Road to RAGBRAI | RAGBRAI XXVI | RAGBRAI XXVII | Cycling Index | Tom's Home Page