July 25-31, 1999
RAGBRAI and RAGBRAI XXVII are registered trademarks of, and licensed by the Des Moines Register and Tribune Company and are used with permission. All rights reserved.
Welcome to Tom's index of selected pictures from RAGBRAI XXVII (a.k.a. HHHH) Unless otherwise credited, all pictures are by me (or some member of my "traveling group", in possession of my camera at the time)
No, HHHH has nothing to do with Wichita Falls' Hottern' Hell 'Hundred, they stand for the FOUR H's found in abundance on this year's RAGBRAI; Humidity, Heat, Headwinds and Hills. Many veteran RAGBRAIders could recall individual days worse than any encountered this year, but no year had ever provided a full week of such challenging rides. (But then, again they, like me, ARE all getting older, aren't they?!?!)
Indeed, none of this years "Texas" contingent of "Streakers", Dean, Cheryl, Keri and yours truly, road the last day. From my perspective, although this was only my second RAGBRAI, I must admit, I have never had a more "challenging" week of riding, and Friday (Day 6) was the most challenging day-long ride I have ever attempted.
Pictures this year are few. I was the only one in our group carrying a camera and, quite frequently, I must admit that I was more focused on rising to the challenges than taking pictures. For what they are worth, though, here's my best of RAGBRAI XXVII.
Prolog - Pictures from July 24, 1999 (3 pictures)
Day 1 - Pictures from July 25, 1999 (3 pictures)
Day 2 - Pictures from July 26, 1999 (6 pictures)
Day 3 - Pictures from July 27. 1999 (6 pictures)
Day 4 - Pictures from July 28, 1999 (1 picture)
Days 5 & 6 - July 29 & 30, 1999 (1 picture)
For a "Systemware Slant" on RAGBRAI XXVII, click here.
For more information on RAGBRAI and RAGBRAI XXVII,
visit the official RAGBRAI web site at: http://www.ragbrai.org/