Day Two, July 26, 1999

RAGBRAI and RAGBRAI XXVII are registered trademarks of, and licensed by the Des Moines Register and Tribune Company and are used with permission. All rights reserved.



In the town of West Bend, there is a grotto covering several acres. It is built completely of stones, coral and shells from all over the world. The grotto was begun by Father Paul Dobberstein, the founder of the West Bend Parish, priest and geologist. The grotto was completed in the 1960's by Father Dobberstein's successor, Father Louis Greving. From the Virtual RAGBRAI web pages, I discovered that Father Greving is still with us, and even showed up Monday to greet some of the riders. Here I enjoyed the contrast of the very solemn statue being used by one of the riders to "lean upon" to do some stretching before continuing her ride.



Say hello again to Jenny (left). Last year was Jenny's first RAGBRAI, riding her friend and fellow Streaker, Keith's mountian bike. This year Jenny brought her own new hybrid bike and friend Jessie (on the right here). This mid-day stop in Hayfield was enjoyed by much of the Streaker team, as you will see below.


The only known picture of yours truly from RAGBRAI XXVII, courtesy of team mate, Dean Dotts. Notice that, although this may be only my second RAGBRAI, I have learned how to position myself well.

  1. In the shade.
  2. Between two beautiful women, Jessy left and Carrie right.
  3. Ahead of fellow team mates, Kevin and Tom.


What would RAGBRAI be without long lines for the KYBO's. (Port-a-Potties for the un-initiated. An acronym for Keep Your Bowels Open, the name of the original company that supplied these devices for the early RAGBRAI's.)


Ok, so Dean survived the vapor-locked van, the heat, humidity and headwinds for the first two and a half days, the good food in Hayfield coupled with the extra effort of taking my picture proved too much for him. Here, Dean enjoys a well-deserved rest.


Say hello again to Maria, Keith's favorite riding bud. Here, Maria is kind enough to pose for another of my Systemware pictures at the end of the day in Algona. Rumor is that by RAGBRAI XXVIII, Keith & Maria will be husband & wife. As the rumor goes, Keith wanted to propose on this year's ride on Maria's birthday but she wanted to keep such special days separate. Stay tuned for further developments.


Day 1 (3 pictures) <|> Day 3 (6 pictures)

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