Day Four, July 28, 1999
RAGBRAI and RAGBRAI XXVII are registered trademarks of, and licensed by the Des Moines Register and Tribune Company and are used with permission. All rights reserved.
On day four, still few hills and the headwinds remained constant, but the heat and humidity were on the increase. Knowing the hills lay ahead in the coming days and no relief promised in the weather forecast, I rode slow and forewent the century loop. The day was pretty uneventful until we made a bar stop at the last town, Clarksville, before the overnight in Waverly.
Meet Woody, a phys-ed teacher from the NorthWest. Woody likes being a teacher because it leaves him three months a year to ride all over the country and play a lot of golf. Dean, Eric and I first met Woody during Freewheel '97. At that time, we were all forced to take shelter during a typical Oklahoma spring thunderstorm in a roadhouse for over three hours. Deano spent much of this time singing the praises of RAGBRAI to Woody. When the clouds parted, so did we, with a promise that we would see Woody on RAGBRAI sometime in the future. While Dean gets many such promises during our rides, Woody is the first I've run in to since the initial meeting. As you can see, Woody was more than happy to help me out with my mug project.
Day 3 (6 pictures) <|> Days 5 & 6 (1 picture)
FreeWheel '97 | FreeWheel '98 | Road to RAGBRAI | RAGBRAI XXVI | RAGBRAI XXVII