Day Four, July 22, 1998
RAGBRAI and RAGBRAI XXVI are registered trademarks of, and licensed by the Des Moines Register and Tribune Company and are used with permission. All rights reserved.
After lunch on day four in McCallsburg, Iowa, this group of Streakers went in search of the town's beer garden. En route we found this Volkswagen Buss, chopped to a 3 1/2-foot WHEELBASE. Attempts to locate it's owner for a test ride proved futile, but we did get this picture for the skeptics among you. Left to right, top to bottom, Dianna, Keith, Jenny and Maria.
Day 3 (1 picture) < | > Day 5 (3 pictures)
FreeWheel '97 | FreeWheel '98 | Road to RAGBRAI | RAGBRAI XXVI | RAGBRAI XXVII