FreeWheel '98
Day One, June 7, 1998
Day one began with breakfast at McDonald's in Sherman, Texas. I have affectionately nick-named this group, Team Roadhouse. Left to right, Tom Baker, Dean Dotts, Michael Biermann and (below) Dianna Fain. Picture courtesy of Cheryl Dotts, our ride to the FreeWheel start and Dean's wife. All pictured are multi-year, multi-day ride veterins except for your's truly. Dianna, Dino, and Mike have done more RAGBRAI's than I can count and, while Dino has done about seven FreeWheel's and this is my second one, Dianna and Mike are new to this annual Oklahoma event.
Lunchtime on day one found us in Durant, Oklahoma where we found this monument in front of a city building to the world's largest something-or-other. You decide what and which it is.
Well, would you like to guess again?
FreeWheel '97 | FreeWheel '98 | Road to RAGBRAI | RAGBRAI XXVI | RAGBRAI XXVII