Where in the World is Buddy Preston?

(a.k.a. DV and TB in PV)

In case you haven't guessed, "DV & TB in PV" stands for "Darryl VanNatter and Tom Baker in Puerto Vallarta", 'cause that's where we caught up with Buddy. Buddy has, for now, "given up" on finding a REAL JOB (just looking is too much like work …… '-) and, for the months of February and March, 2000 has rented a condo in Bucerias, a small village about 15 miles up the coast from Puerto Vallarta, Buddy's time-honored launching point for trips to Yelapa. (Where's Yelapa you say? You've never seen those T-shirts that say, "I'd rather have a Palapa in Yelapa than a Condo in Redondo?" Ask Buddy or any of his friends that have joined him for trips to Yelapa.)

Speaking of Darryl, recognize the thumbnail above? It's from the cover of FFMC's "ONE" magazine for September, 1993. If you want a better electronic copy, containing the entire cover, drop me a line.

Back to the Buddy-hunt. As I said, Darryl and I tracked him down in Bucerias, February 29th through March 5th. As always, Buddy was the quintessential host. As always, there are more stories to tell than time permits. But I do have over 30 pictures to share with you from the trip. To minimize load time, I have broken them up in to the following webpages:

Buddy's Bucerias Digs - Views of and from Buddy's Condo.

Local Color in Bucerias - Pix from our Journeys "DOWNTOWN".

Local Color in Puerto Vallarta - Not many, but we did have to hit downtown Puerto Vallarta, just to say, "We've been there."

Whale Hunting - A great experience, chasing Humpback Whales in a 20' skiff ….. too bad the pictures weren't better L For what they are worth, here they are.

Tres Hombres S.O.B. (that's South Of the Border for you dirty minds!) - Put three bachelors on the beach for six days and what happens?

Bucerias Sunsets - Buddy thinks they are better here than anywhere else. Close, but I still prefer West Texas sunsets - judge for yourself.


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These WebPages provided by Tom Baker (tom.baker21@verizon.net) for the viewing enjoyment of his friends, relatives and fellow cyclists.