Local Color in Bucerias

A favorite hangout in "downtown" Bucerias is El Lugar. As the sign says, it's a restaurant & bar. What the sign doesn't say is that you have to climb the stairs to reach it on the second floor. Also, as with most restaurants in the area, there is inside and outside dining and almost nightly, there is live music. Friday nights, it's rock & roll with many tables removed to make room for dancing. Look closely to the bottom-left of the picture and you might see the lizard on the sign, just above the roof tiles. Before the end of the night, he was joined by several of his compadres, trolling for the insects attracted to the lights.


A cool place for brunch on the-morning-after-the-night-before is Karen's Place. Karen is a cool displaced citizen of "The Crown" and can be found here during the day and at El Lugar's on many a night. Cuisine and atmosphere are both excellent and Karen herself has a most pleasant effect on all of the senses. As you can tell, both Darryl and Buddy left brunch in a most pleasant mood.


I can't do a trip with a disposable camera without a picture of my thumb! This was the view from our outside table at Karen's. I love those pools with a bar at one end!


Wednesday night found us in downtown Bucerias, attending the local art festival. Here Darryl and Buddy conteplate an acrylic done by Orlando, one of the waiters at El Lugar. Darryl eventually bought an original from Orlando, based on the same theme, but done to Darryl's specifications.


While Buddy (right) negotiated "the deal" with Orlando (left) ….


… Darryl (left) and I (right) "mugged it up" with another of the local artist. I'm sorry, I didn't get the artist's name or a picture of his best painting, but it was a KILLER abstract of a Cock Fight!

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