Day One, July 19, 1998

RAGBRAI and RAGBRAI XXVI are registered trademarks of, and licensed by the Des Moines Register and Tribune Company and are used with permission. All rights reserved.

Actually, the following pictures were the evening before the first day's ride. I was excited enough this evening to get pictures, but so busy the following day trying to learn "the ropes" of surviving in such a mass ride, I forgot to take any pictures!


Upon reaching our starting point in Hawarden, Iowa, Dino was "surprised" by the arrival of his wife, Cheryl. Her arrival was not the surprise, we were expecting her to show up with friends and team mates, Jack, Katie and Kirk Bricker driving up from Omaha. The surprise was her new hair cut and "DO", courtesy of Katie. (It was the unanimous decision of the team that we like the "DO", however at the time of this picture, Dino was still in shock!)



Team Silver Streak's headquarters in Hawarden, Iowa. (From this point forward, member(s) of this team may be referred to by the nick-name,"Streaker(s)".) I meet many of my new team members in their "natural" environment for the first time. Left to right, Brian (from our trip up), Randy, Dino (from our trip up), Frank "Huck" Thompson and Pat, our team truck driver.

Huck is the only person to have ridden every mile of all 26 RAGBRAI's beginning in 1973!

While it may look like Brian has "imbibed" a little too much on the first night, I must admit that he had some help from many of his 45 team mates on Silver Streak.

Day 2 (1 picture)

FreeWheel '97 | FreeWheel '98 | Road to RAGBRAI | RAGBRAI XXVI | RAGBRAI XXVII


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