By November Addie is ready to "hang with Grandpa"  at his place for a few hours some evenings.  Here is Addie's first entry for one such night.

Friday Night with Grandpa!

Just some Picks Grandpa took while I was hanging with him Friday night.  I hope you enjoy them.



We started by watching "Shrek the Third".

..... and watching Grandpa's ceiling fan.

..... and back to Shrek.

Hanging with Grandpa is really fun!

That empty bottle down there looks like it wants to fight.  "Hey bottle, wanna FIGHT?"

Grandpa is so FUNNY!

Is that MY foot down there? ....

,,,, and MY hand should be over here ,,,,, somewhere.

I think Grandpa said something funny, but I can't speak fluent "TEXICAN" yet.  I think I'll soil my diaper now and see how long it takes Grandpa to figure it out.

Hmmmm ..... "Evan Almighty" .... I wonder what an EVAN is?

There's that fan again.

Ok - time for a little napie-poo.

Grandpa is REALLY funny for an old FART ..... I'll have to hang with him more often.

I really want that FAN!

This "Evan Almighty" is really a good movie!

Commercials? ..... Ok, now I'm getting bored .....

.....  Time for another nap.

COOL!  That Krazy Cow is back again.  I wonder if I can grab her face this time?

That's it for now.  I hope Grandpa takes more Picks the next time we hang out.

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