Production Systems
No review of Production Systems would be complete without Mr. Don Popowski. Don was author and/or major contributor to every operational software application developed by Zytron including PCSAM, PCS and ARCS. Like our people, Don's software distanced us from the competition. Here he is seen receiving Dun & Bradstreet's coveted Customer Focus award in May of 1988.
Many of us who had to call for software support in the middle of the night would recognize the voice of Don's wife, Judy. How many of us would recognize her image? How many of us know that she wrote the original version of PCS??
I'm so happy to be able to use the word, GURU in describing Zytron's ultimate PCS expert, Ms. Roni Franki.
Although this doesn't look like a delivery room, according to the caption, this is the birth of ARCS in October of 1988. So is Mr. Jeff Crofton the father, mother, midwife or all three?
Three of Robert's "Flying Technicians" and an unidentified gentleman. Left to right, Lucas Mancas, Jeff Crofton, Jackie Smith and ???? Say, guys, what are those white sticks in your mouths?
Jeff Crofton and Ed Gresavage preparing hardware for their next outing. As Jeff is indicating, "All Systems Go!"
A rarity, Jeff caught in one place long enough to exchange Christmas gifts.
Rarer still, nine P.S. members within the same frame! Back row, L to R; Dave Walker, Anya, Jeff Crofton, Don Popowski and Ed Gresavage. Seated, L to R; Robert Gregory, Stella Lee, Erwin Reil and Jim Hui.
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