Tom's Work Web Pages - Anacomp/First Image
Meet Rod Schneider, my last and only employee before I left Anacomp. Rod joined the Dallas operation towards the end of "The Zytron Years" and was a Shift Supervisor for First Image, Dallas when I "Stole" him from Dallas operations to be my MPS Support Analyst. Rod is still with Anacomp, transferring to the Corporate offices in Poway in December of '98. Talk about CHANGE, Rod got married, moved to Poway, became a FATHER and took on additional duties, all in a 9-month period. If you know him, tell him CONGRATULATIONS! … He'll probably ask, "What for?"!
Kent Winkler is another "Zytron throw-back". Starting in the Dallas operations group, he moved in to print when laser print services were added to the Dallas offerings and is currently the Dallas network administrator.
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