BALLUNAR (Houston), 2005

As usual, Sun Kissed had a good turn out of crew for the festival.  100% on her home turf!

Paula and I crewed for Bert Mann in Traveler for Friday morning's media flight.  Winds were light and his first-time passenger got a good view of the area.  As a matter of fact, she literally "flipped her wig" as Bert brushed a tree as he set Traveler down in an almost-vacant lot.  (Vacant except for said tree, bounded on the other sides by a stockade fence, power lines to the back and a house to the North.)

Friday night's winds were light allowing us to glow.  Not very close to the crowd, but I think the two Civil Air Patrollers that came over to help had fun.  That brings us to Saturday morning.

Having missed New Iberia and Baton Rogue and having most of the Palestine and Tahlequah flights "weathered out" it was good to see the skies filled again.  I can't wait for Fiesta.


Ann holds Sun Kissed on course and heading for the target until winds below drag her to the right as she descends.


Others come close  ......


... as Sun Kissed sails away, headed for the lake.  Well, I'm afraid that was it until we returned to the refueling site.  I got busy driving Sun Kissed Chase II.


Picking up in the parking lot near the fueling area after Saturday Morning's flight, we scout the other aircraft showing off for the crowd while we wait for Sun Kissed to refuel.


We had a first-time flyer this morning so it time to prepare for THE CEREMONY.


Ann becomes animated as she describes the Montgolfier brothers' first balloon launch.  Judging from the contents of her right hand, it looks like a card trick, but look closer .... nothing up her sleeves.


I never noticed how touching Mike find's the Balloonists' Prayer!  Rodolfo is also quite contemplative.


But Dick looks like he's heard this before.


As Dick distributes the champagne, Zach asks, "Where's mine?"


But recovers in time to "Mug it up" for the camera.


Ceremony over, it's time to exchange stories of the flight and chase.


Ok, time for an "Old Folks" test.  How may of you remember ...


"Look!  Up in the sky!"  "It's a bird!"  "It's a plane!"  "No it's......"


"Skydivers!"  (Anyone that thought the answer was going to be "Superman" qualifies for AARP!)  Gee, I wonder if the fixed-wing pilots refer to this as "tossing cadavers" like the pilots in Tahlequah did?


Well, that was neat.  Back to business for most of us.  But is Rodolfo contemplating a new hobby.!?!?


Zachary looks on as ......


Ann and Paula prepare "THE" souvenir for our morning passenger.


Our passenger admires her gift which I'm sure will provide her with as many fond memories as mine does for me.  A year later, mine was still on my living room fireplace mantle.  Paula's Champagne-cork balloon stands next to it.


Zach and Harley watch more of the festivities before we head for breakfast.  That was a long flight and I'm STARVED.  Kelly's served a GREAT breakfast in an admirable amount of time, considering the post-flight crowd.
Zach and Harley were Sun Kissed's passengers for the Saturday evening flight.  After launching from a NASA parking lot East-Southeast of the field, they flew over the target and headed for the far side of the field where the taller grass provided a little padding for the "brisk-wind" landing.
After the flight, most of us gathered for a Mexican dinner at a restaurant on NASA 1.  For those of you who met my two former bosses, Buddy Preston and Bill Pfeiffer and Bill's wife, Joyce, thanks for making them feel welcome. 
While we all felt a little down Sunday morning after the rest of the festival was cancelled and felt sorry for the vendors as we reviewed their losses to Saturday night's storm, we must all feel thankful that we missed the devastation a day later that visited our Gulf neighbors to the East.  Our collective prayers, best wishes and donations go out to the victims of hurricane Katrina.

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